in the news.
The Atlantic Festival 2023
Coach sits on a panel with other local small business owners to discuss "Small Business, Big Impact"
The Atlantic Festival: "Small Business, Big Impact" Panel
ESQUIRE Magazine: The Best 42 Gay Bars in America
2 of your favorite DC queer spots made the list, as you are & Trade!
Washington Post: Welcome to the D.C. Queer Bar where consent rules
As You Are has developed a loyal and diverse LGBTQ clientele since opening its doors last spring. They come for a sense of safety and community they say they can't find anywhere else.
D.C. bar holds candlelight vigil in solidarity with Club Q
As You Are bar honors those killed in Colorado Springs, trans victims
Lesbian Bar Project to the rescue
Founders complete second year fundraising campaign to save businesses ...
As You Are Bar Seeks Perfect Space for Queer Dance Parties and Cafe
Jo McDaniel and Rach "Coach" Pike are teaming up to bring As You Are Bar to D.C. The welcoming queer space will have a dance boutique and ...
As You Are Bar offers a place to belong
Currently virtual and soon physical, As You Are (AYA) Bar is the new joint venture from bar industry veterans Jo McDaniel and Rachel Pike, ...
Bucking a national trend, a new queer bar is set to open in D.C.
Jo McDaniel and Rach Pike used to work at one of them, Washington D.C.'s A League of Her Own (ALOHO). In December 2020, McDaniel and Pike (also ...
As You Are Bar, an Inclusive Queer Space, Is Bound for Barracks Row

D.C. Queer Space As You Are Bar Could Open Soon After ANC Vote
D.C.’s newest queer cafe and lounge, As You Are Bar, is one step closer to opening. Its owners on Tuesday reached an agreement with its Barracks Row neighbors over noise and safety concerns.
Barracks Row’s New LGBTQ-Owned Bar Counts Pete Buttigieg as a Customer
As You Are Bar opens with local beers and spirits, late-night breakfast sandwiches, and an all-inclusive mantra
Queering the Gay Bar Agenda: As You Are Bar Looks to Build a Multigenerational Space of Change
New queer bar coming to Southeast DC gets steps closer to opening doors
The Lesbian Bar Project Documentary